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Coping With The Stress of Evolving Tech In Business

Coping With The Stress of Evolving Tech in Business

With developments in technology monumentally accelerating, anxiety among organisational decision makers is heightening, which is stunting business potential. Having experienced countless tech evolutions ourselves across our 20+ years in business, we understand that a team's resilience and response to to the tech environment can be a complete gamechanger… supercharging, or otherwise derailing them.

What are the consequences of tech anxiety, and how severe does it look?

An estimated 104,000 British businesses could be steering away from investing in new technology due to the stress associated with its implementation… which paralyses growth and development (termed ‘tech paralysis’).

A feeling of deep unease and stress are felt, so much so, research from BT reveals that that it is inducing sleep disturbances – ‘bytemares’, if you will.

Although BT promotes mediation as one approach to curb this frazzled feeling, 1 in 2 directors/executives wish they had a trusty partner to support them with transforming their tech.

That’s where a Managed Service Provider (like us) comes into the equation to take a load off your plate and support you in the planning, implementation, execution and maintenance of infrastructure. Just in the last month, an article shared on put forward an ideal model for such providers… which has a deep focus on the client.

This is our exact approach – we take the time to properly get to know you and your business. That way, we come to a solution that is truly fit for purpose (and saves adding further stress than if it were to be loosely fit for purpose). Still unsure about outsourcing your IT services? Read our blog which debunks its misconceptions next.

What now?

Let’s create that B2B partnership – get in touch to outsource your IT services and alleviate your tech stress!


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